sábado, 19 de março de 2011

Good or bad?

Being optimistic or pessimistic can change everything in your life. If you’re very optimistic, for example, you see the bright side of life; if you’re very pessimistic, you look around and all you see are problems. Anyway, I think it’s not good being too much of any of them.
When you are too optimistic, you can be hopeful and happy; however, sometimes you might get really disappointed. It’s better if you keep a balance and see life a little more as it really is.
On the other hand, if you’re always thinking with pessimism, you get down and very depressed. In addition, it’s hard for you to get trough tough times, because you never expect to make it. Sometimes it may be better if you give it a try and trust in happiness a little bit more; therefore you can see that good things do happen.
It’s really important to be realistic, but you can always stay a little closer to the optimism, taking into account that you never know what the future holds.
In fact, it’s all up to you. You can live thinking about life as “it’s all roses” or as it’ll never get better. But if you put things in perspective, you can see it, in a good way, as it is. 

PS: isso era pra ser um trabalho de inglês, mas uma certa BCIF me falou pra colocar aqui -q

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